UX/UI Redesign Driven by Observations of Doctors Working.
Delivered to customer:
The developers with healthcare expertise designed a product and we worked together to make it user-friendly. Our job was to refine the interface based on continuous feedback from doctors. We quickly relayed improvements back to the dev team for immediate implementation.
from an ICU doctor's daily routine
with clients and medicals
When we embarked on creating this specific tool, the stakes for usability were sky-high. We knew the concept had merit, but the market's embrace was pivotal. The first sales brought home not just revenue, but invaluable insights underscoring our product's utility and usability enhancement options. Shoutout to Neverhund’s team for their expertise. This collaboration resulted not just in a tool that resonates with doctors and nurses — it prompted us to reconsider certain product functions. It's gratifying to see our collective effort being met with such an outpouring of positive feedback.
Denis Bugrov / Founder / Raisa